minor character

美 [ˈmaɪnər ˈkærəktər]英 [ˈmaɪnə(r) ˈkærəktə(r)]
  • 配角
minor characterminor character
  1. The leading female role was only a minor character in the first two versions .


  2. " minor character " acts as protagonist , therefore the bunched structure comes into being ;


  3. Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency to conduct the most fundamental way to character education , shaping the health of a minor character .


  4. This thesis , however , attempts to compensate for the separation of form from content by focusing on the seemingly minor character Walter Morel and his silent situation .


  5. The performance of the community leader role dislocation include , the dislocation in responsibility outside role and responsibility role , the dislocation of the principal role and minor character , the dislocation of the new role and traditional role .


  6. He used to be a minor comic character : a half-forgotten , stereotypical martial artist who first appeared in 1973 to cash in on Bruce Lee mania and the Kung Fu television series .


  7. The role of a minor or secondary character in Conrad , Kipling , Ford .
